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Our story... so far

Hi, we're Kirsty and Ed, we’re the faces behind The Room at Berryfields.

We can’t wait to tell you a little bit about us and our journey to creating The Room at number four.


Our journey began when we both were fortunate enough to be on the same charity trip together. We travelled to South Africa with the Cocos foundation. The Cocos foundation is a charity very close to our hearts if you would like to see the amazing work they do please visit:


After returning home we couldn’t keep away from each other, we spent our weekends travelling up and down the country until we made the decision to find a place to call our own. 


Time flys and before we know it our first son who was born in 2013. Since then we now have three beautiful boys who keep us on our toes,  we’ve moved four times, got married and now have our family home in our community, Berryfields.
We have always dreamt of having our own salon and have both been managers in our previous salons for a number of years. 


With over 30 years experience between us we are sure we can provide a welcoming, friendly experience giving you the ultimate hair experience.

For us, opening The Room at Number Four was a stepping stone to us having a bigger salon and our own team. We’re excited to be opening The Room at Berryfields, and feel confident we can offer the same intimate experience that we’ve provided at The Room at Number Four. 


Doing this give us the opportunity to work around our family and while the kids are young give them all the love and attention every child needs and make sure that we don’t miss any of their important mile stones in their lives. 


To us family is everything, and to be able to combine that with our passion for hairdressing, we hope to find the perfect work life balance for us. 


We want to offer this to other stylists and our team to find the perfect work life balance for their families too.


We hope to see you soon. 


Kirsty & Ed X 

©2023 by The Room at Berryfields. VAT Registration Number 437 7170 81

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